Pilot-BIM is designed for:
You can be in one place or remotely, connect your colleagues, partners, contractors, and customers to the system. Collectively discuss models, drawings, and documents. Keep personal or general correspondence. Receive notifications about events and changes.
Store and manage versions of documents, drawings, models. Log history of task changes, transparency of processes.
Logs of user actions to better understand what was done and who did it.
Description of any processes and their stages. Maintaining parallel, sequential, or mixed approval. Setting the status of tasks, documents, and projects. Control of deadlines. Flexible setting of task attributes and scripts for automation of various actions.
Once the model file enters the system, it becomes a part of the coordination model. This model is always up-to-date and stored on the server. You can automatically retrieve the model from any BIM-systems that can export the models to IFC.* When a part of the model is changed, the consolidated model is updated quickly because only the changes made are recalculated, not the whole model.
It allows you to find collisions from the early stages of creating and coordinating a BIM model.
Comments are linked to objects. You can keep correspondence on comments, appoint those responsible for elimination of comments and set statuses.
When comparing documents by text and geometry, the system automatically highlights the difference. You can compare 3D models and see which elements were removed, changed, or added.
Receiving reports on performing discipline, on comments, tasks, BIM-models, etc. There is a report designer, where you can get the desired information in the appropriate form.
You can export the entire project or a part of it electronically for transfer to the customer or to regulatory authorities.
Automatic generation of a coordination model, making changes, calculation of collisions runs on the server. The user receives ready-to-use processed data and does not wait for it.
The technology of parallel data processing saves time when working with large objects (e.g. city quarter, industrial site with workshops).
Optimizations with MeshProcessor (built on the C3D B-Shaper component) simplify the visualization of 3D models and increase performance.
Optimization of text geometry for work with rich 2D documents (e.g., airport terminal) allows you to increase the speed of work.
Pilot-BIM is a client-server software program. You install all components on the server or in the company cloud. All information is under your control.
The system supports user connection via the secure HTTPS protocol.
All information inside the system is differentiated by access rights.
Detect collisions at early stage of a project to ensure error-free designs and reduce construction costs.
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2008R2 and higher (64-bit version)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 and higher, .NET Core 2.1
- Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10 64-bit version
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 and higher