A forum entitled "RosTIM. Building Information Modelling in building and construction" was held online on November 24, 2020. More than 1700 people participated in the forum: engineers, architects, BIM managers, IT specialists, developers, teachers and students. The Forum organizers ASCON Company and Renga Software assembled leading Russian BIM and CAD developers.
Specialists from 19 companies spoke at the event: ASCON, Renga Software, Credo-Dialogue, Rubius, Lira Soft, Smart Water, SCAD Soft, Lira SAPR, Eurosoft, Spider Project, ITLand, Elias, Ericos, Wizardsoft, Bimlib and others.
RosTIM Online has introduced a range of developments that can support building project life cycle from designing to installation and construction works, and maintenance. The companies participating in the forum aim to cooperate and integrate their solutions to work with a single digital information model.
Vendors showcased the capabilities of their software products in six specialized sections, grouped according to different tasks and stages of the life cycle of a construction object: "Building Information Modeling", "Digital terrain model and external utility network model", "Common data environment management", "Structural analysis", "BIM for construction management and maintenance", "Cost estimate and value engineering of BIM models".
BIM software users supported the developers in their speeches: Petergof Design Studio, Mosoblgidroproekt, Altec systems, TPS Property, Eurotechnologies, The Institute for territory development.

Alexandr Golikov, ASCON chairman of the board:
“2020 is a challenging year for business: the construction industry has suffered serious financial losses. But, despite the current performance indicators, it remains a serious driver of the economy. The need for affordable housing, socially significant facilities, and a well-developed infrastructure gives reasons to count on new projects and new orders. But getting orders will get harder and harder. The state is systematically moving towards the mandatory use of BIM, the regulatory framework is consistently deploying towards information modeling, new standards and sets of rules are being adopted. It will soon be impossible to count on receiving government orders without using BIM. And commercial customers are becoming more demanding - in terms of efficiency, quality and transparency of processes, control over the construction progress. Accordingly, it is time to learn to understand both technologies and existing and emerging requirements.”
The state is attentive to the results of the work of Russian companies, includs them in pilot projects on the use of digital information models. RosTIM online plenary session speaker was Denis Chamara, the Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector of the Russian Federation. He introduced the participants to the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of BIM technologies.

BIM progress in Russia
Over the three and a half years that have passed since the first RosTIM forum, Russian BIM developers have noticeably added to the functionality of their products, introduced new technological platforms, and developed integration mechanisms. An overview of the most important new products was made by Maxim Nechiporenko, Renga Software deputy director.
ASCON released the Pilot-BIM system for organizing a common data environment, automatic assembly and further work with a consolidated BIM model. A new KOMPAS application has been developed for the design of heating networks based on digital terrain models obtained from the CREDO system of the Credo-Dialogue company.

Renga Software, in addition to the architectural and structural part, has implemented the design of MEP networks, including water supply, heating, ventilation, power supply, and united all specialties in a single integrated Renga system.

Credo-Dialogue develops work with structures, moving from surface to solid modeling. A new Pipes module has been created in the CREDO product line.
CAE developers have taught their products to perform calculations based on information models obtained from various design systems. Lira Soft announced the release of direct integration with Renga in January 2021: a button for exporting the model to the LIRA 10.12 engineering analysis tool will appear in Renga. NTC APM Company follows a similar path: its APM Civil Engineering program receives a model in Renga format using a converter for subsequent finite-element analysis.

SCAD Soft has developed a new satellite program “Magnum” for designing and calculating light steel structures.
Lira Service has implemented in the latest versions of the LIRA-SAPR program the mechanisms for calculating progressive collapse, calculation of thermal conductivity and fire resistance.
Developers of construction control systems Mobile Construction Solutions focused on flexible analytics: reporting data received from the construction site is visualized in various histograms, heat maps, dashboards to help the manager make the right decisions on the project. In parallel, the company is developing integration with Renga, Pilot-ICE and 1C: ERP.
1C partners in the creation of specialized solutions for construction management strive to fully integrate BIM models into an ERP contour. ITLand directly uses geometric and analytical data from the Renga model in the 1C: PM Project Management system to plan procurement of materials, project work and budgets.
The developers of budgeting systems have achieved effective development of estimates based on BIM models. In 1C-Estimate this mechanism is well adjusted according to the principle of adopting models in the 1C environment and assigning various estimated characteristics. Wizardsoft has added Renga integration to its BIM Wizard system. The greatest number of integrations with different design systems - both with Russian, including Renga, and foreign - has the ABC system of the ABC-N Company.

The unique Bimlib project is developing a master specifications mechanism that will allow data to be compared with federal information systems, for example, by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in order to select analogues of elements in specifications.
And the Elias Company is working to ensure that the model is effectively used at the stage of facility management in the product "1C: Rent and Property Management".
As in real construction, a BIM model is formed from data generated by various tools. A successful result is made up of cooperation and smooth interaction between developers.
Strategy and roadmap for the development of the ASCON BIM complex
The strategic goal of ASCON is to create a Russian-made BIM software. "Today, the focus of customers' interest has shifted from mastering design tools to organizing joint work of specialists from various fields of design. Therefore, a key component of our strategy has become tools that can ensure work in a common data environment,” said Maxim Bogdanov, CEO of ASCON, presenting the company's strategy to create solutions for industrial and civil construction.
ASCON's strategy is based on four elements.
✔ Development of our own products that implement BIM technology: an integrated BIM system for the design of architecture, structures and utilities Renga, a system for the design of technological units KOMPAS-TX, a platform for collaboration of all participants of the investment and construction project in the Pilot-ICE Enterprise, and the Pilot-BIM common data environment.
✔ Integration of BIM systems of our own design and our technology partners to provide an information model from design to operation.
✔ Environment of solutions: combining all the tools into a single system for managing the global model of the construction object.
✔ Consulting and BIM implementation: development of implementation departments, adaptation of BIM methodology to the customer, taking into account the requirements of Russian organizations. In 2021, ASCON will release a BIM standard that customers can use as a basis for implementing information modeling.
For the first time, Maxim Bogdanov announced a roadmap that determines the development of the ASCON BIM software until 2023:

Records of 40+ reports on Russian BIM are available for viewing. Visit the forum platform to watch the video https://ros-tim.ru.