To see the event horizon and look beyond it is probably the dream of every astrophysicist or astronaut. Our users are designers and engineers. The result of their work can be called down-to-earth, but the tasks they solve while working on a project are no less fantastic than the event horizon itself. Our mission is to help users to cope with their challenges.
Renga Software is pleased to announce the latest Renga release, which will make your work more comfortable. By introducing the boundaries of visibility, we push the limits of the system application and result achieved (final drawings). Now users will have the ability to adjust the boundaries of section visibility as required. And for those waiting for the pipeline and ventilation pitch feature to appear, there is no longer need to draw up pitches with the help of trace points, since the pitch is automatically drawn for a specified route section.
Adjustable Sections
The section boundaries and visibility depth now can be easily adjusted! They are determined by end points designating section in the model view. Thanks to this, the designer can individually determine whether the section will be common for the entire building or only for its part.

Pipeline and Air Duct Pitches
In order to improve the usability and user productivity to design engineering systems and to comply with Renga Roadmap, the ability to set up a pitch in pipeline and ventilation systems has been implemented in the new release. The mechanism allows setting up a pitch in a route section in ppm and change the pitch direction as needed.

Renga system does not just build a pipeline or ventilation route with a pitch, it independently analyzes the route that a systems engineer wants to build. And in case the route's pitch has already been set using split-level tracing points, the pitch will not be applied. If the route is strictly horizontal above the Level and has no route points with different elevations, then the pitch will be implemented as a pipe offset relative to the route. Therefore, the engineer will never make a mistake when setting up the pitch.
Formulas for Parametric Reinforcement and Reinforcing Units
In the previous release, based on parametric formulas for object properties, we implemented the ability for users to automatically get specifications of reinforcing elements when laying out reinforcement by separate bars. With the help of the new release, designers will also be able to quickly get specifications for both parametric reinforcement and reinforcement parts. Now one can get reinforcement specifications according in a matter of seconds.

We continue working on other tools for drawing automation. To learn more about these and other new Renga features, please read our new article "Setting Our Boundaries" and use Renga to work on your projects.
To download the latest Renga release, please click here. And if you are already a Renga system user, all you need is just to update the system by downloading and installing the update.
Latest Renga release makes BIM easier to use! Join us!