They who own the information, own the world, and we make sure Renga users are provided with all the essential information on their BIM models. New Renga release brings in significant enhancement to this field – ability to set formulas in custom properties and title block cells in order to create calculated attributes. Efficient data workflows, improved productivity and calculated attributes are the common themes of latest Renga release. Users will also appreciate enhanced schedule flexibility: we implemented the ability to copy drawings not only within one project, but between multiple projects as well, significantly improving design outcomes. Design of the technological parts of the project has seen several important improvements, too. These enhancements make Renga more productive and user-friendly.
Calculated attribute formulas
Calculated attributes use formulas to derive their values from the values of other attributes. This new functionality will help AEC professionals carry out their engineering tasks.
Using the formulas, architects can now calculate finished window jambs area, window boards area and window sills area (if there are any) without the need to remodel these areas.

Structural engineers, for example, can now combine object mark, section and length into a single parameter:

Formulas will help structural engineers successfully generate schedules taking into account rebar overlaps.

We enhanced the design of the technological parts of the project
From the outset, Renga was intended to provide higher-quality, coordinated designs for architects, designers and MEP engineers. But there are many other construction disciplines that require efficient BIM tools to perform their tasks. For example, design of the technological parts of the project is becoming central to industrial building construction. Process engineers started working in Renga several years ago and gave our development team a very valuable feedback on ways to improve Renga toolset. One of the most popular requests was the ability to work with the equipment imported from solid modeling formats.
Gradually, we implemented all their requests. First, we provided Renga users with the ability to use Element and Model line commands in assemblies. Then, we implemented snapping to edges and faces of objects that are part of assemblies to ensure the more precise placing of additional elements. In addition to the above, new Renga release allows to snap to edges and faces in 3D view as well, meaning our users can now connect equipment to the utility systems placing the connection point to the desired location, and place foundation right under the equipment. New release enables process engineers not only to design all the required equipment, but also successfully document the project, scheduling all parts of the equipment.

But not only process engineers will find this new functionality handy. AEC professionals of all stripes will benefit from the ability to work with the imported solids: architects can now model the imported furniture and architectural elements; structural engineers can design metalware and connecting elements created in third-party software; MEP engineers will appreciate accurate positioning of imported equipment, parts and plumbing fixtures.
Standardizing modelling workflows in Renga
With the development of BIM in the world and in Russia, in particular, more and more attention is paid to standardization. Standards must be put in place especially with technological strategies and tools to allow interoperability and ensure that stakeholders and project teams can share information and collaborate. One particular area where BIM standardization is needed is the exchange of information between software applications used in the construction industry. The leading organisation in this domain is buldingSMART which has developed and maintains Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) as a neutral and open specification for BIM data model.
As a result of a long-term work of our development team, we can officially declare that staring with the new release Renga fully complies with IFC4 RV - 1.2, which is standardized as an international standard for open data transmission – ISO 16739-1:2018.
Improved productivity
Previously, designers had to deal with lengthy rebuildings when changing one or more objects. That's why we've changed the logic of editing the parameters: first, users enter the required value and press Enter key to complete the entry, after which Renga rebuilds the selected objects once. This update helps to avoid unnecessary calculations and saves both time and effort when working with 3D model.
We also implemented ability to re-use the geometric representation of assemblies when exporting to IFC. This update makes the final IFC file much more lightweight.
Ability to copy and paste drawings in the Project Explorer
We strongly believe that copy and paste commands are one of the most important features on the modern computer, and this is why we continue on enhancing this functionality in Renga. In the previous versions of Renga BIM system we implemented the ability to copy Tables, Schedules and Assemblies not only in one project, but between multiple projects as well. It enables designers to use schedule templates, ready-to-use tables and structural precasts with customized filters, fonts, groups, etc. in just two clicks. New Renga release comes with an important and much requested ability to copy drawings. Along with the drawing, users can now copy sheet parameters with already configured Layout styles, Display styles, Tables, Schedules, Text, etc. This update saves a greate deal of time, increasing labour efficiency, and minimizing time and effort spent on documenting the drawings.

It is worth noting that many BIM systems have yet no features for copying drawings from one project to another. Download our full trial version of Renga right now and experience all tools and functionality that will lead you to improved project outcomes.
Read our in-depth article, if you want to learn more about new features and updates in latest Renga release.